System of integrated studies of cultural and research resources (2018)

Gotō, Makoto
Shibutani, Ayako
Ishitsuka, Masateru

The National Museum of Japanese History (NMJH; popularly known in Japanese as Rekihaku) is developing a comprehensive digital network of Japanese historical resources as part of the core research ‘Constructing Integrated Studies of Cultural and Research Resources’. This project enables access to data in universities and museums across Japan through interdisciplinary studies in the humanities and sciences using information infrastructure. This digital network includes links to relevant information; search results can display advanced information.

What are "Japanese Studies Resources" for Finnish Students? (2018)

Fuse, Rie

The use of technology is often recommended to effectively promote students' learning and teachers are strongly encouraged to use it for teaching at Finnish universities. This paper focuses on the use of digital resources for learning Japanese as a foreign language as well as Japanese culture and society in the context of Finnish universities and reports the results of a pilot study on the topic. The focus of this research is students who learn Japanese at the University of Helsinki and University of Turku. A survey by questionnaire and interview was conducted in autumn 2017 at the University of Turku and in spring 2018 at the University of Helsinki.

Digitized Collection of Pre-modern Japanese Works (2018)

Fujimura, Ryoko
Matsubara, Megumi
Yamamoto, Kazuaki

The NIJL-NW Project, hosted by National Institute of Japanese Literature (NIJL), launched the “Database of Pre-modern Japanese Works” in 2017.
In cooperation with various domestic and overseas universities and specialized institutions, this database publishes images of pre-modern Japanese works widely. It allows general public to access easily the pre-modern Japanese works from anywhere on the ground, without which they have to visit libraries and holders of such works around the world.

About the difficulties of sending books from Japan to the GDR (2018)

Flache, Ursula

One feature of CrossAsia ( are the thematic portals that present topics related to the Specialised Information Service Asia (Fachinformationsdienst Asien) that is provided by Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin-PK with its partners. The aim of the thematic portals is to uncover e.g. smaller special collections or very specific holdings within our local collections in order to make them better known to a global research community.

New Activity of International ILL/DDS (2018)

Egami, Toshinori

In January 2018, Nichibunken Library registered the some 300,000 titles of the Japanese and non-Japanese works in its collection with the OCLC WorldCat, through a tie-up with Kinokuniya Shoten. Of that data about 170,000 entries have been newly added to the WorldCat. From April 2018, moreover, Nichibunken also started to provide interlibrary loan and document delivery services through the OCLC WorldShare ILL. Participation by libraries in Japan has been limited to only a few institutions including the National Diet Library and Waseda University, and Nichibunken is the first one among national universities and research institutions in Japan. Through this service, we succeeded to improve operations of international ILL/DDS, and researchers around the world can find and gain use of the materials in the Nichibunken more smoothly.

Digitalization of learning resources at the Center of Asian Studies (2018)

Didvalis, Linas

East Asian studies and interest in East Asian region have been gradually growing in Lithuania as well as the necessity of the resources for this topic in Lithuanian language. What is more, with the growing spread and usage of the Internet more and more resources can be found online. Therefore, in order to increase the accessibility of resources for learning about the East Asian region it is important to pursue their digitalization. Moreover, as the number of research in different fields of Asian studies in Lithuania has been growing, there is a need for a database which would include all the information about the publications and research related to Asian studies.

Kuchi-e woodblock prints and the late Meiji literature (2018)

Colta, Ioan Paul

The current paper talks about the fruitful collaboration between the artist Kaburaki Kiyokata (1878-1972) and the highly praised Meiji author Kyōka Izumi (1873-1939). The famous nihonga painter has initially made his living as an illustrator, producing kuchi-e woodblock prints, frontispieces illustrating popular novels from the late Meiji period. His prints were admired by Kyōka Izumi who desired that his books would also include kuchi-e prints done by Kaburaki

Japanese Literature in Norway (2017)

Kaminka, Ika

While Japanese literature might presently be experience a minor boom, literature from Japan is exceedingly underrepresented in Norwegian translation. The present paper will trace the development of translation of Japanese literature from the sketchy beginnings with relay translations via English and German, to the present, discussion briefly what has motivated the selection of works to be translated.

Discovering historical evidences at archives across four countries (2017)

Hanyu Kōichi

A historical study across geopolitically different countries must be examined through considering their backgrounds and relations with each country. However, it demands enormous tasks and time for researching and evaluating historical evidences due to different languages, and political, social and cultural backgrounds. In this session, I would like to introduce the outline of my study on The Nobel Peace Prize of the year 1974 and Japan, and share my experiences as researcher how I searched those historical evidences in 4 countries (Norway, Britain, U.S and Japan) to support the study.
